Thông tin sản phẩm
MS 200 Series Remote Paging Consoles

Giá gốc:Liên hệ VNÐ
Giá bán: Liên hệ VNÐ
Mã hàng :   MS 200
Tình trạng: Mới 100%
Hãng sản xuất : AEX

Designed to our philosophy of what we call, a product with elegance, the MS 200 Series Remote Paging Consoles transforms your reception or control centre into a powerful communication point in your establishment.
Taking up space of only the size of a notebook, the MS 200 Series provides integrated control in a single unit rather than having numbers of clumsy extensions to meet your zoning requirements, creating more working space on the desk and leaving it uncluttered.
To ultimately reduce cabling cost, installation error and shorten integration time, the MS 200 Series range of remote paging consoles only requires 3 pairs of cables to provide up to 100 selectable zones for a distance of 1.2 km.
CP 102 
Remote Paging Console Communication Panel

This panel is dedicated to work together with AEX SYSTEM MS 200 Series Remote Paging Consoles. It works as a decoder to decode all the communication protocols from the paging consoles. It provides a maximum of 20 remote zone controls to be connected to AEX SYSTEM LS 10 / LS 10A Speaker Line Selector.

CP 102EM
Remote Paging Console Communication Extension Module

This module is an extension of AEX SYSTEM CP 102 Remote Paging Console Communication Panel. One CP 102EM is required when MS 204 is used in the system; and two CP 102EM when MS 210 is used. Each module provides 40 extra remote zone controls.
